From 2012-2014, I shared an apartment with two really great guys. One of which was big into fantasy football. We’ll call him Ryan. About a year into living there, I gained some interest in learning more about modern football cards so I asked Ryan who he thought were some of the names who were coming up at the time. Mind you, this was 2013.
He knew I was a card collector and had witnessed work on some of my earlier uploads to the Museum. He’d sometimes ask me about it, which I thought was cool. I liked Ryan; I hope he’s doing well.
Anyway, I told him I wanted to get some cards of the current lesser-known but still notable rookies. Two names he mentioned were Montee Ball and Kendall Hunter. So I began researching these two guys and discovered their stuff was selling well and grabbed this Kendall Hunter 2011 Topps Prime Rookie Autographs Gold Holofoil 1/1, which to this day I still think is a great card.
Purchased: October 16, 2013
Final Price: $43.55
Kendall Hunter’s career spanned 4 years with the majority of his production front-loaded to 2011-2013 and he played just 2 games in 2015.
To see what’s currently on eBay from 2011 Topps Prime, click here.