It’s nice to see both Tim Duncan’s from the 1997-98 SkyBox Premium Star Rubies run this month. There are plenty of other excellent rookie cards in the mix. While I generally steer away from autographed cards due to their obviously valuable nature, I couldn’t resist including the Kobe Bryant and that Rasheed Wallace. That and I really love the technology on those 1998 Bowman’s Best Atomic Refractors. Here’s what made the list this month.

Michael Jordan 1997-98 E-X2001 Jambalaya #6 BGS 9.5
Sold: December 17, 2017
Number of Bids: 28
Final Price: $13,500

Kobe Bryant 1998-99 Bowman’s Best Autographs Atomic Refractors #A1 BGS 9.5
Sold: December 3, 2017
Number of Bids: 37
Final Price: $5,102.02

Michael Jordan 1998-99 Fleer Playmakers Theatre #9
Sold: December 17, 2017
Number of Bids: 16
Final Price: $3,560

Tim Duncan 1997-98 SkyBox Premium Star Rubies #112
Sold: December 17, 2017
Number of Bids: 34
Final Price: $3,239

Jason Kidd 1994-95 Finest Refractors #286 PSA 10
Sold: December 14, 2017
Number of Bids: 43
Final Price: $2,901

Tim Duncan 1997-98 SkyBox Premium Star Rubies #229
Sold: December 21, 2017
Number of Bids: 42
Final Price: $2,730

Kobe Bryant 1998-99 Fleer Playmakers Theatre #3 BGS 9
Sold: December 15, 2017
Number of Bids: 37
Final Price: $2,574.24

Paul Pierce 1998-99 SkyBox Premium Star Rubies #263 PSA 10
Sold: December 17, 2017
Number of Bids: 25
Final Price: $2,026

Dirk Nowitzki 1998-99 Bowman’s Best Atomic Refractors #109 PSA 10
Sold: December 17, 2017
Number of Bids: 18
Final Price: $2,025

Rasheed Wallace 1997-98 SkyBox Premium Autographics Century Marks #108 BGS 9
Sold: December 17, 2017
Number of Bids: 39
Final Price: $1,725