Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts Relic Auto Relisted for Over 250% Original Sale from Just 4 Days Prior

Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs /1 | Original eBay Listing
Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs /1 | Original eBay Listing

This Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs 1/1 sold auction style on eBay and closed on August 22, 2021 with 39 bids at $285.37. The market spoke on the value of this 1/1. However, the buyer had other plans.

The buyer relisted this card with a BIN/OBO at $999.99, which is a 250.419% increase in asking price over the original sale value.

Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs /1 | eBay Relist
Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs /1 | eBay Relist

It’s a cleaner image and the card now comes with a One Touch case but does that justify a nearly 4x price increase? Yea, I don’t think so either. The buyer wasted no time in producing this listing. The screenshot below indicates an auction start date of August 26, 2021, just four days after the original sale.

Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs WatchCount
Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs /1 | WatchCount

Making a profit is certainly a good thing but it helps to be realistic about market values. A re-list price of around $500 would’ve been reasonable and brought a net profit of $214.63 (closer to $200 after fees), which is more than fair. Realistically, however, since this is a 1/1 and the market has already and very recently had a chance to gauge its value, a 75% markup would’ve likely still been too high but much more reasonable than a 250% markup.

Here are closeups of the two images:

Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs Original eBay Listing

Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs /1 | Original eBay Listing

Sold: August 22, 2021
Number of Bids: 39
Final Price: $285.37

Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs eBay Re-List

Willie McCovey 2005 Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Autographs /1 | eBay Re-List

Listed: August 26, 2021
BIN/OBO: $999.99
Unsold (as of October 26, 2021)

What do you think? Do you think the new seller should leave the price as is, or change it? Share your thoughts in the comments area.

To see what’s currently on eBay from 2005 Artifacts, click here.


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