I don’t know factually but I want to say that the Mike Piazza 1993 Select Rookie/Traded #ROY2 is likely one of Mike Piazza’s least credited cards. What I mean by that is that I feel like a lot of collectors don’t know it exists. But like I said, I don’t know factually. It’s interesting really though given the pure nature of this card’s existence. This card is more valuable, much scarcer and more attractive than any of Piazza’s rookie cards from ’92. You really have to see this card in person to really appreciate its appeal. It’s classic Pinnacle dufex technology. Again, another Pinnacle classic that to this day, blows all current product designs out of the water by leaps and bounds. The colors here are gorgeous; I really like the use of greens and blues. There’s a really nice burst-out thing happening behind Piazza’s portrait. Finally, when you manipulate this card’s position to a light source, it shines and sparkles creating an incredibly beautiful effect. That said, this is hands down, my favorite card depicting famous former Dodgers catcher, Mike Piazza. Current sports card production companies, if you’re reading this, take notes because Pinnacle’s dufex technology smokes anything you’re making today. That’s just one guy’s opinion though.
I’ve always thought that Mike Piazza resembled Freddie Mercury (late singer for Queen). It’s got to be the stache.
While not depicted, the back makes reference to Mike’s ridiculous draft selection. Mike was the 1,389th pick in the ’88 draft. This kinda reminds me of standardized academic entry exams. The classic assumption that your GMAT score actually has any correlation with how well you’ll perform in class. In the context of the draft, Piazza is perfect proof that falsifies that basic assumption.
Another little tip about this card, it was inserted at a rate of 1:576 packs! Good luck pulling one if that’s your preferred method of consumption. At the time of this writing, this card consistently fetches $30-40 on the secondary market in raw form. Bottom line, it’s ultra scarce and still holds weight as advanced collectors continue to search for this card. Keep your eye out for this card, it’s a rare gem.
To see the current eBay auctions for the 1993 Select Mike Piazza, click here.
Patrick. Having one of the most extensive Mike Piazza DODGERS card and memorabilia collection, I might just agree with you regarding this issue. My personal All-time favorite catchers are: 1)Yogi Berra, 2)Roy Campanella, 3)Johnny Bench, then 4)Mike Piazza (sorry, Mike). I think Piazza’s offensive numbers alone would rate him as a “monster” in baseball history. Had his defensive skills been better than average, he’d be knocking on Yogi and Campy’s doors. Thank you for your write-up on Piazza’s ’93 Select Rookie/Traded issue.
Hi Ivan,
Wow, Piazza ranks along side some of the biggest name catchers in baseball history. I would agree with you on that note. I would also anticipate a first ballad HOFer. Great contribution Ivan.
I have this card. I cannot find out anything about it. Can you give me more info on it?
Hi John,
This card was found in packs of 1993 Select Rookie/Traded. This is one of two ROY cards in the set; the other being Tim Salmon. The ROY cards had an insertion ratio of 1:576 packs, which means that for any one particular ROY card the ratio is actually 1:1152. This is a rare card and consistently does very well at auction. Thanks for reading.
And realizing 1993 Score Select R/T was limitesd to less than 1000 cases, its ultra rare