This might be the most perfect day.
It’s Tuesday, February 22, 2022 (2/22/22) and the day of the week has the same sound as the number two.
Palindrome: A word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward.1
Palindrome dates only occur in the first few centuries of each millennium. While all the days 2/20/22 through 2/28/22 are palindromes, 2/22/22 is the most special because it lands on a Tuesday. Before the third millennium, the last palindrome date was August 31, 1380 (08/31/1380). In the third millennium, our first palindrome date was October 2, 2001 (10/02/2001). In November 2011, we celebrated two palindrome dates: 11/1/11 and 11/11/11. There were 22 palindrome dates in 2021.2
Featured is the quintessential example of the 1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars Extreme Measures Die Cut Frank Thomas. I can’t think of a better card to showcase on this day. The serial number, card number, and image of Frank Thomas all depict the number two, which is an exquisite coincidence.
To see what’s currently on eBay from 1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars, click here.
- palindrome. Mac Dictionary App. ↩︎
- Happy Twosday: 2-22-22 marks a palindrome date hundreds of years in the making. www.foxla.com ↩︎