1999 Metal Universe Paper Proofs

Mark McGwire 1999 Metal Universe #244 Gem Masters Cyan Paper Proof
Mark McGwire 1999 Metal Universe #244 Gem Masters Cyan Paper Proof

Without getting too technical, CMYK is the principal color system required to accurately produce color schemes in print. For trading cards, they’re a standard part of the printing process but are usually discarded after they’re made and used.

A full run of these was made for every card in the 1999 Metal Universe set but most of them likely ended up in the trash after production milestones were met, which is why secondary market encounters are so rare. However, it’s nice to know this Mark McGwire 1999 Metal Universe Gem Masters Cyan Paper Proof survived.

What’s particularly interesting about this paper proof is it features the front and back images on one stand alone piece. Usually, these paper proofs are printed on blank back sheets so fronts and backs are printed with blank reverses. Granted, not all manufacturers are alike and Skybox was able to produce proofs in full form, which make for really nice specimens.

These are likely 1/1s but since they weren’t pack issued, they hold a different kind of value. Since this stuff qualifies as manufacturing scrap, its appeal is mostly assigned to player, type, and/or variation collectors but likely more so the former than any other.

Sold: February 15, 2023
Number of Bids: 17
Final Price: $126.00

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