1997 brought us some Bowman firsts: Chrome and pack-issued autographs. One of which is the 1997 Bowman Certified Ink Autographs, which features a simple design, on-card autographs, and a set roster of key prospects of the era. The set comes in a small batch of parallels, each with different color inks and insertion ratios. Player collectors will have to chase down at least three unique parallels. In addition to the Blue, Black, and Gold ink parallels, Derek Jeter signed some cards in Green ink.
To view the current eBay auctions for 1997 Bowman Certified Ink Autographs, click here.
Set Information:
Set | Total Cards | Odds |
Blue Ink | 90 | 1:96; ANCO 1:115 |
Black Ink | 90 | 1:503; ANCO 1:600 |
Gold Ink | 90 | 1:1509; ANCO 1:1795 |
Jeter Blue Ink | – | S1: 1:1928 |
Jeter Green Ink | – | S2: 1:1928 |
Card # | Player(s) | Card # | Player(s) |
CA1 | Jeff Abbott | CA46 | Marc Kroon |
CA2 | Bob Abreu | CA47 | Derrek Lee |
CA3 | Willie Adams | CA48 | Travis Lee |
CA4 | Brian Banks | CA49 | Terrence Long |
CA5 | Kris Benson | CA50 | Curt Lyons |
CA6 | Darin Blood | CA51 | Eli Marrero |
CA7 | Jaime Bluma | CA52 | Rafael Medina |
CA8 | Kevin L. Brown | CA53 | Juan Melo |
CA9 | Ray Brown | CA54 | Shane Monahan |
CA10 | Homer Bush | CA55 | Julio Mosquera |
CA11 | Mike Cameron | CA56 | Heath Murray |
CA12 | Jay Canizaro | CA57 | Ryan Nye |
CA13 | Luis Castillo | CA58 | Kevin Orie |
CA14 | Dave Coggin | CA59 | Russ Ortiz |
CA15 | Bartolo Colon | CA60 | Carl Pavano |
CA16 | Rocky Coppinger | CA61 | Jay Payton |
CA17 | Jacob Cruz | CA62 | Neifi Perez |
CA18 | Jose Cruz Jr. | CA63 | Sidney Ponson |
CA19 | Jeff D’Amico | CA64 | Pokey Reese |
CA20 | Ben Davis | CA65 | Ray Ricken |
CA21 | Mike Drumright | CA66 | Brad Rigby |
CA22 | Scott Elarton | CA67 | Adam Riggs |
CA23 | Darin Erstad | CA68 | Ruben Rivera |
CA24 | Bobby Estalella | CA69 | J.J. Johnson |
CA25 | Joe Fontenot | CA70 | Scott Rolen |
CA26 | Tom Fordham | CA71 | Tony Saunders |
CA27 | Brad Fullmer | CA72 | Donnie Sadler |
CA28 | Chris Fussell | CA73 | Richie Sexson |
CA29 | Karim Garcia | CA74 | Scott Spiezio |
CA30 | Kris Detmers | CA75 | Everett Stull |
CA31 | Todd Greene | CA76 | Mike Sweeney |
CA32 | Ben Grieve | CA77 | Fernando Tatis |
CA33 | Vladimir Guerrero | CA78 | Miguel Tejada |
CA34 | Jose Guillen | CA79 | Justin Thompson |
CA35 | Roy Halladay | CA80 | Justin Towle |
CA36 | Wes Helms | CA81 | Billy Wagner |
CA37 | Chad Hermansen | CA82 | Todd Walker |
CA38 | Richard Hidalgo | CA83 | Luke Wilcox |
CA39 | Todd Hollandsworth | CA84 | Paul Wilder |
CA40 | Damian Jackson | CA85 | Enrique Wilson |
CA41 | Derek Jeter | CA86 | Kerry Wood |
CA42 | Andruw Jones | CA87 | Jamey Wright |
CA43 | Brooks Kieschnick | CA88 | Ron Wright |
CA44 | Eugene Kingsale | CA89 | Dmitri Young |
CA45 | Paul Konerko | CA90 | Nelson Figueroa |