Like a lot baseball cards of the strip variety, the 1919-21 W514 cards also have blank backs. Having a closer look at these cards reveals their simplicity and frailty. These cards are not of typical thickness of standard cards. In fact, these cards are so thin that they are something of a challenge to put into penny sleeves and semi-rigid holders. My advice here would be to use toploaders when storing these cards. The colors are bright and vibrant for their age. The pop of the yellow and red on the Joe Gherrity have withstood the test of time quite beautifully. This is a quality set with a list of mega-legends that includes Cobb, Ruth and “Shoeless” Joe Jackson. I would anticipate high scarcity at shows and shops but keep your eyes out online if you’re in the market for examples from this exquisite set.
To see what’s currently on eBay from 1919-21 W514, click here.
Set Information:
The W514 set consists of 120 cards and is the largest of the various strip-card issues of its era. Issued between 1919 and 1921, it’s one of the earliest and most widely-collected. These blank-backed cards measure in at 1-3/8″ x 2-1/2″ and feature color drawings of players with card numbers in the lower corner and player names, teams, and positions stated below the player images. The set holds historical significance because it includes seven of the eight Chicago “Black Sox” players who were banned from baseball for throwing the 1919 World Series; the most famous of which is “Shoeless” Joe Jackson and is his only strip-card appearance.
Card # | Player(s) | Card # | Player(s) |
1 | Ira Flagstead | 60 | Ray Schalk |
2 | Babe Ruth | 61 | Bill Jacobson |
3 | Happy Felsch | 62 | Nap Lajoie |
4 | Doc Lavan | 63 | George Gibson |
5 | Phil Douglas | 64 | Harry Hooper |
6 | Earle Neale | 65 | Grover Alexander |
7 | Leslie Nunamaker | 66 | Ping Bodie |
8 | Sam Jones | 67 | Hank Gowdy |
9 | Claude Hendrix | 68 | Jake Daubert |
10 | Frank Schulte | 69 | Red Faber |
11 | Cactus Cravath | 70 | Ivan Olson |
12 | Pat Moran | 71 | Pickles Dilhoefer |
13 | Dick Rudolph | 72 | Christy Mathewson |
14 | Arthur Fletcher | 73 | Ira Wingo (Ivy) |
15 | Joe Jackson | 74 | Fred Merkle |
16 | Bill Southworth | 75 | Frank Baker |
17 | Ad Luque | 76 | Bert Gallia |
18 | Charlie Deal | 77 | Milton Watson |
19 | Al Mamaux | 78 | Bert Shotten (Shotton) |
20 | Stuffy McInness (McInnis) | 79 | Sam Rice |
21a | Rabbit Maranville (Braves) | 80 | Dan Greiner |
21b | Rabbit Maranville (Pirates) | 81 | Larry Doyle |
22 | Max Carey | 82 | Eddie Cicotte |
23 | Dick Kerr | 83 | Hugo Bezdek |
24 | George Burns | 84 | Wally Pipp |
25 | Eddie Collins | 85 | Eddie Rousch (Roush) |
26 | Steve O’Neil (O’Neill) | 86 | Slim Sallee |
27 | Bill Fisher | 87 | Bill Killifer (Killefer) |
28 | Rube Bressler | 88 | Bob Veach |
29 | Bob Shawkey | 89 | Jim Burke |
30 | Donie Bush | 90 | Everett Scott |
31 | Chick Gandil | 91 | Buck Weaver |
32 | Ollie Zeider | 92 | George Whitted |
33 | Vean Gregg | 93 | Ed Konetchy |
34 | Miller Huggins | 94 | Walter Johnson |
35 | Lefty Williams | 95 | Sam Crawford |
36 | Tub Spencer | 96 | Fred Mitchell |
37 | Lew McCarty | 97 | Ira Thomas |
38 | Hod Eller | 98 | Jimmy Ring |
39 | Joe Gedeon | 99 | Wally Shange (Schang) |
40a | Dave Bancroft (Quakers) | 100 | Benny Kauff |
40b | Dave Bancroft (Giants) | 101 | George Sisler |
41 | Clark Griffith | 102 | Tris Speaker |
42 | Wilbur Cooper | 103 | Carl Mays |
43 | Ty Cobb | 104 | Buck Herzog |
44 | Roger Peckinpaugh | 105 | Swede Risberg |
45 | Nic Carter (Nick) | 106a | Hugh Jennings (Tigers) |
46 | Heinie Groh | 106b | Hughie Jennings (Giants) |
47a | Bob Roth (Indians) | 107 | Rep Young |
47b | Bob Roth (Yankees) | 108 | Walter Reuther (Ruether) |
48 | Frank Davis | 109 | Joe Gharrity (Ed) |
49 | Leslie Mann | 110 | Zach Wheat |
50 | Fielder Jones | 111 | Jim Vaughn |
51 | Bill Doak | 112 | Kid Gleason |
52 | John J. McGraw | 113 | Casey Stengel |
53 | Charles Hollocher | 114 | Hal Chase |
54 | Babe Adams | 115 | Oscar Stange (Stanage) |
55 | Dode Paskert | 116 | Larry Shean |
56 | Roger Hornsby (Rogers) | 117 | Steve Pendergast |
57 | Max Rath | 118 | Larry Kopf |
58 | Jeff Pfeffer | 119 | Charles Whiteman |
59 | Nick Cullop | 120 | Jess Barnes |