1910-11 Sporting Life M116 Baseball Cards

Ed Lennox 1910-11 Sporting Life (M116) #151
Ed Lennox 1910-11 Sporting Life (M116) #151

Let’s rewind to 100 years ago, the year: 1910, a time when baseball cards were still used as promotions to entice buyers, in this case, subscribers to a magazine called Sporting Life. We’re talking about 1910-11 Sporting Life M116. If you are at all familiar with these cards, you’ll notice that they are very similar in size to cards from the famous T-206 set. Similar in size but not nearly as consistent. After doing some research I discovered that quality controls for this set were so lenient that production yielded a high percentage of inconsistent card sizing. The popularity of this set sheds some light on some players whose talent was often overshadowed by superstars such as: Collins, Cobb, Wagner, Speaker, Johnson, Lajoie and Mathewson. Further, an obvious observation about baseball cards released during this time: nobody smiled for the photo shoots. I’m so used to seeing straight faces depicted on anything from the turn of the 20th century that if I were to discover a picture depicting smiles, I would find it to be somewhat anomalous. The 1910-11 Sporting Life M116 set is something peculiar in that player portraits are depicted within a range of differing displays. Take this Ed Lennox card for example. Here we have a floating head over what’s basically a drawing of the man’s presumed upper torso. Truthfully, first viewings of this card induced the hint of a chuckle within me. Other cards in this set depict full torso shots, no drawings. Additionally, there are two known background color variations. This card possesses a pastel background but some cards depict a more scarce blue background. Something to note if you happen to chance an example from this set.

Question of the Day:

Does throwing a banana peal out of a car window and into a courtyard qualify as littering?

To see what’s currently on eBay from 1910-11 Sporting Life M116, click here.

Set Information:

1910-11 Sporting Life is a 287-card set (325 with variations) and measures in at 1-1/2″x2-5/8.” This set was offered to subscribers of Sporting Life (a major competitor of The Sporting News) from 1910-1911. The set was released in a 24-series run with each containing 12 cards. Each series cost four cents and came in an envelope with a list of which players were included. Card fronts feature color-tinted black-and-white portrait photos with names and team names printed along the bottoms. Card backs featured various ads for the weekly paper. S1 and S2 contain some cards with either Blue (Rare) or Pastel (Common) backgrounds. The scarcer Blue background variety appears to have been a second printing of cards from S1 and S2, which sold out quickly in their original Pastel versions due to the popularity of the player rosters. S3 contains some cards with either Black Back (initial print) or Blue Backs (later print) and feature subtle differences in size and coloring of player portraits. The last three 24-card series’ are scarcer than those released prior.


Card #Player(s)Card #Player(s)
1Ed Abbaticchio142BNap Lajoie (Pastel)
2ABabe Adams (Black Back)143Joe Lake
2BBabe Adams (Blue Back)144Fred Lake MG
3Red Ames145Frank LaPorte
4Jimmy Archer146Jack Lapp
5Frank Arellanes147Chick Lathers
6Tommy Atkins148ATommy Leach (Blue)
7Jimmy Austin148BTommy Leach (Pastel)
8Les Bachman149Sam Leever
9Bill Bailey150Lefty Leifield
10AFrank Baker (Black Back)151Ed Lennox
10BFrank Baker (Blue Back)152Frederick Link
11Cy Barger153Paddy Livingstone
12Jack Barry154Hans Lobert
13AJohnny Bates (Philadelphia)155Bris Lord
13BJohnny Bates (Cincinnati)156AHarry Lord (Blue)
14Ginger Beaumont156BHarry Lord (Pastel)
15Fred Beck157Johnny Lush
16Heine Beckendorf158Connie Mack MG
17Fred Beebe159Thomas Madden
18George Bell160Nick Maddox
19Harry Bemis161Sherry Magee
20AChief Bender (Blue)162AChristy Mathewson (Blue)
20BChief Bender (Pastel)162BChristy Mathewson (Pastel)
21Bill Bergen163Al Mattern
22Charles Berger164Jimmy McAleer MG
23Bob Bescher165George McBride
24Joseph Birmingham166AAmby McConnell (Boston)
25Lena Blackburn166BAmby McConnell (Chicago)
26Jack Bliss167Pryor McElveen
27James J. Block168John McGraw MG
28Hugh Bradley169Deacon McGuire MG
29Kitty Bransfield170Stuffy McInnis
30ARoger Bresnahan (Blue)171Harry McIntire
30BRoger Bresnahan (Pastel)172Matty McIntyre
31Al Bridwell173Larry McLean
32Buster Brown174Tommy McMillan
33AMordecai Brown (Blue)175AGeorge McQuillan (Cincinnati)
33BMordecai Brown (Pastel)175BGeorge McQuillan (Blue)
34Al Burch175CGeorge McQuillan (Pastel)
35Donie Bush176Paul Meloan
36Bobby Byrne177Fred Merkle
37Howie Camnitz178Chief Meyers
38Vin Campbell179Clyde Milan
39Bill Carrigan180Dots Miller
40AFrank Chance (Blue)181Warren Miller
40BFrank Chance (Pastel)182Fred Mitchell ML
41Chappy Charles183Mike Mitchell
42aHal Chase (Blue)184Earl Moore
42bHal Chase (Pastel)185Pat Moran
43Ed Cicotte186ALew Moren (Black Back)
44AFred Clarke (Black Back)186BLew Moren (Blue Back)
44BFred Clarke (Blue Back)187Cy Morgan
45Nig Clarke188George Moriarty
46Tommy Clarke189Mike Mowery
47ATy Cobb (Blue)190AGeorge Mullin (Black Back)
47BTy Cobb (Pastel)190BGeorge Mullin (Blue Back)
48AEddie Collins (Blue)191Danny Murphy
48BEddie Collins (Pastel)192Red Murray
49Ray Collins193Tom Needham
50Wid Conroy194Harry Niles
51Jack Coombs195Rebel Oakes
52Frank Corridon196Jack O’Connor
53Harry Coveleski197Paddy O’Connor
54Doc Crandall198Bill O’Hara ML
55ASam Crawford (Blue)199Rube Oldring
55BSam Crawford (Pastel)200Charley O’Leary
56Birdie Cree201Orval Overall
57Lou Criger202Fred Parent
58Dode Criss203Dode Paskert
59Cliff Curtis204Frederick Payne
60Bill Dahlen MG205Barney Pelty
61William Davidson206Hub Pernoll
62AHarry Davis (Blue)207George Perring ML
62BHarry Davis (Pastel)208Big Jeff Pfeffer
63Jim Delehanty (Delahanty)209Jack Pfiester
64Ray Demmitt210Art Phelan
65Frank Dessau211Ed Phelps
66AArt Devlin (Black Back)212Deacon Phillippe
66BArt Devlin (Blue Back)213Eddie Plank
67Josh Devore214Jack Powell
68Pat Donahue215Billy (William) Purtell
69Patsy Donovan MG216Farmer Ray ML
70ABill Donovan (Blue)217Bugs Raymond
70BBill Donovan (Pastel)218Doc Reisling
71ARed Dooin (Blue)219Ed Reulbach
71BRed Dooin (Pastel)220Lew Richie
72Mickey Doolan221Jack Rowan
73Patsy Dougherty222ANap Rucker (Black Back)
74Tom Downey222BNap Rucker (Blue Back)
75Jim Doyle223Slim Sallee
76ALarry Doyle (Blue)224Doc Scanlon
76BLarry Doyle (Pastel)225Germany Schaefer
77Hugh Duffy MG226Lou Schettler
78Jimmy Dygert227Admiral Schlei
79Dick Eagan228Boss Schmidt
80Kid Elberfeld229Wildfire Schulte
81Rube Ellis230Al Schweitzer
82Clyde Engle231James Scott
83Tex Erwin232James Seymour
84Steve Evans233Tillie Shafer
85AJohnny Evers (Black Back)234David Shean
85BJohnny Evers (Blue Back)235Bayard Sharpe
86Bob Ewing236Jimmy Sheckard
87Cy Falkenberg237Mike Simon
88George Ferguson238Charlie Smith
89Art Fletcher239Frank Smith
90Elmer Flick240Harry Smith
91John Flynn241Fred Snodgrass
92Russ Ford242Bob Spade UER (Space)
93Ed Foster243Tully Sparks
94Bill Foxen244Tris Speaker
95John Frill245Jake Stahl
96Samuel Frock246George Stallings MG
97Art Fromme247Oscar Stanage
98Earle Gardner (New York)248Harry Steinfeldt
99Larry Gardner (Boston)249Jim Stephens
100Harry Gaspar250George Stone
101Doc Gessler251George Stovall
102AGeorge Gibson (Blue)252Gabby Street
102BGeorge Gibson (Pastel)253Sailor Stroud
103Bert Graham254Amos Strunk
104Peaches Graham255George Suggs
105Eddie Grant256Billy Sullivan
106Clark Griffith MG257AEd Summers (Black Back)
107Ed Hahn257BEd Summers (Blue Back)
108Charles Hall258Bill Sweeney
109Bob Harmon259Jeff Sweeney
110Topsy Hartsel260Lee Tannehill
111Roy Hartzell261AFred Tenney (Blue)
112Heinie Heitmuller261BFred Tenney (Pastel)
113Buck Herzog262AIra Thomas (Blue)
114Doc Hoblitzel262BIra Thomas (Pastel)
115Danny Hoffman263John Thoney
116Solly Hofman264AJoe Tinker (Black)
117Harry Hooper264BJoe Tinker (Blue)
118Harry Howell265John Titus
119Miller Huggins266Terry Turner
120Tom Hughes ML267Bob Unglaub
121Rudy Hulswitt268ARube Waddell (Black Back)
122John Hummel268BRube Waddell (Blue Back)
123George Hunter269AHans Wagner (Blue)
124Ham Hyatt269BHans Wagner (Pastel)
125Fred Jacklitsch270Heinie Wagner
126AHugh Jennings MG (Blue)271Bobby Wallace
126BHugh Jennings MG (Pastel)272Ed Walsh
127Walter Johnson273AJimmy Walsh (Gray)
128ADavy Jones (Blue)273BJimmy Walsh (White)
128BDavy Jones (Pastel)274Doc White
129Tom Jones275Kaiser Wilhelm
130ATim Jordan (Blue)276Ed Willett
130BTim Jordan (Pastel)277Vic Willis
131Addie Joss278Art Wilson
132John Kane279Chief Wilson
133Edwin Karge280Hooks Wiltse
134Red Killifer281Harry Wolter
135Johnny Kling282Smokey Joe Wood
136Otto Knabe283Ralph Works
137John Knight284ACy Young (Black Back)
138Ed Konetchy284BCy Young (Blue Back)
139Harry Krause285Irv Young
140Rube Kroh286Heinie Zimmerman
141Otto Krueger ML287Dutch Zwilling
142ANap Lajoie (Blue)
1910-11 Sporting Life M116


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