The Radicards® Forum: An Introduction

In a recent post, I stated the re-introduction of the Radicards® forum. Shortly after I posted that, I realized that I never actually formally introduced the darn thing. In early January of this year, I pushed Radicards® to another level with the implementation of a forum. This was an idea I had that dates back to September 2010. I thought that it would be a really great way for my readers (you) to share with other collectors. If you’re a collector of anything sports related, the Radicards® forum is made just for you. The forum has 19 registered members to date. I’d love to see this number grow. My goal is to make this a regular visiting place for collectors of all sports. There are some really top-notch collectors in the forum so far. Some of these guys are professional collectors with some of the most impressive collections I’ve ever seen! I want to acknowledge and give a special thanks to those of you that are already part of the forum. If you’re reading this, chances are, you’re a fellow collector and if that’s the case, I encourage you to join in the discussions and register with the Radicards® forum.

To access the Radicards® forum, click here.


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